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Really cool game! Love the art style and character designs, wonderfully whimsical. Unfortunately it seems pretty buggy - when I click on an NPC for dialogue, sometimes the dialogue will open and close very quickly so I don't get the chance to see what they're saying. This happens often, and it gets annoying fast. Also, it can be really hard to tell where you're supposed to mouse over to make the navigation arrows appear. When I'm in the bar to the west (the one with the trumpet bartender), there don't seem to be any arrows that let me leave, and I'm just stuck there forever. Not sure if that's supposed to happen or if I'm missing something. A walkthrough may be helpful?


I took a long hiatus from Itch but I'm back! XD Since this was an early scratch game a lot of it is noodle code I can't polish; however I'll help where I can:

Try lighter mouse presses if the game is skipping dialogue. It may be registering as a double click if you hold down 
the mouse button for too long.

Telling where the navigation arrows are takes trail and error: the bar to the west has an exit at the top of the spiral staircase (the light pink doorway).

If I revisit this project I'll definitely tweak some art assets to better guide the player. I appreciate you playing!